Indre ro – en praktisk guide. Videokursus med professor Paul Gilbert
Del 1. Indre ro i din hverdag
Indhold Del 1. Indre ro i din hverdag
1.1 Why the way our minds have evolved matters to our mental health
1.2 How the evolution of our brain affects our mental health
1.3 The importance of being kind towards yourself
1.4 How to bring out the best qualities in yourself
1.5 Mindfulness
1.6 The importance of awareness in creating happiness
1.7 The natural tendency to focus on negativity
1.8 Learning to pay attention to your breathing
1.9 How to develop compassion
1.10 How criticism and positive emotions affects the brain
1.11 Compassion and the highly sensitive people
1.12 Don´t blame yourself for having a sensitive nervous system
1.13 Understanding how different parts of yourself interact with eachother
1.14 Practicing the values of compassion
1.15 Our responsibility as human beings
1.16 The concept of “neuropsysiotherapy” – how to train the brain and cultivate the mind
1.17 Understanding the fear of compassion
1.18 How to deal with making mistakes – a personal example
1.19 Two conditions for optimal health
1.20 Focusing on the other person
1.21 What are safety strategies?
1.22 Giving up selfblame and selfcriticism – the importance of learning how to fail
Del 2. Indre ro i familien og med børn
Indhold Del 2: Indre ro i familien og med børn
2.1 Managing anger
2.2 An example on how to manage anger
2.3 Practicing compassion with children
2.4 The importance of treating children with kindness
2.5 Practicing compassion on a daily basis
2.6 It´s not your fault that you were born sensitive
2.7 How competition in modern society affects children
2.8 Creating compassionate values in school
2.9 How to create a compassionate family life
2.10 What to do when your child reacts strongly to situations
2.11 Advice to parents who feel guilty
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